He had a great happiness. Even after this for years to decades, this happiness was wondering never change …… so.
Shall be deemed to be replaced at night, it began to break the man and the life of his wife. Been kidnapped in mysterious organization, it was forced to participate in a wanton game of “penta Mellon game”.
When the man failed, is neither revenge nor …… desire fucked to strangers in front of his wife to love, … taking the “Aitsura”
“This is for a just a game.”
Really, or wife survive? The salvation is the love?
◆ Synopsis ◆
The man was happy. What Hentetsu was also boring everyday no, but it was large satisfied with only need to with my wife to love.
He had a great happiness. Even after this for years to decades, this happiness was wondering never change …… so.
Shall be deemed to be replaced at night, it began to break the man and the life of his wife. Been kidnapped in mysterious organization, it was forced to participate in a wanton game of “penta Mellon game”.
When the man failed, is neither revenge nor …… desire fucked to strangers in front of his wife to love, … taking the “Aitsura”
“This is for a just a game.”
Really, or wife survive? The salvation is the love?
◆ system ◆
Many kinds of puzzles – a fairy tale based
– Very simple menu of clear time rule of thumb about 3 hours
– Give Up (suicide) without featured clear you can watch the erotic scene
Multi-ending equipped Once follow arrived in particular ED There are clear benefits
◆ after ending benefits ◆
· “Penta Mellon game” clear without fail
· “Penta Mellon game” clear success reminiscence room + whole scene open
– “???” Clear success reminiscence room + whole scene open + Special Offer!
◆ distorted fairy tale ◆
– Snow White is committed to children during sleep ……
· To prostitution for important people …… The Little Match Girl
– It is wildly fucked wolf man in a dark forest Little Red Riding Hood ……
It is possible to enjoy the erotic scene that is based on a variety of fairy tales such as
Basic CG number seven, the difference number of sheets 37 sheets (image size 816×624)
C end clear benefits all events CG37 sheets (image size 4080×3120)
◆ trial version ◆
– The “Snow White” can play a stage 1 based
– It is possible to enjoy the erotic scenes “Snow White” was based
Of clear time rule of thumb about 30 minutes
Production: maple, Fake
Cooperation: Papa like
Illustration: Moro built like
HP: http: //luwenworkshop.blog.fc2.com/
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/LuwenWorkshop
※ Inquiries about “penta Mellon game” is to here
※ This game has been produced in RPG Maker MV
男は幸せだった。何の変哲も無いつまらない日常だったが、 愛する妻と一緒にいられるだけで大満足だった。
彼は幸福を掴んだ。 この先何年何十年経っても、この幸せは決して変わらない……そう思っていた。
とある夜、男とその妻の人生が壊れはじめた。 謎の組織に攫われ、『ペンタメロン・ゲーム』という理不尽な遊戯に強制参加させられた。
男が失敗したら、愛する妻が目の前で赤の他人に犯される…… 欲望でもなく復讐でもない、『あいつら』にとって……
・とてもシンプルなメニュー クリア時間の目安は約3時間
・ギブアップ(自爆)機能搭載 クリアしなくてもエロシーンを鑑賞できます
・マルチエンディング搭載 特定のEDに辿り着いたらクリア特典があります
・『ペンタメロン・ゲーム』クリア失敗 なし
・『ペンタメロン・ゲーム』クリア成功 回想部屋+全シーン開放
・『???』クリア成功 回想部屋+全シーン開放+スペシャル特典!
Cエンドクリア特典 全イベントCG37枚(画像サイズ4080×3120)
協力:パパ 様
イラスト:モロ蔵 様
JAP DLsite
Pentamerone Game (Luwen Workshop): screenshots
Welcome to the adult world with your wishes. Free download from MEGA or other file hostings, unpack, easy install and play this adult game.
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