This is an adult RPG set in the Japanese countryside.In a small town amid the nature of Japan’s farming mountains,
summer vacation has brought more than hot weather.
Before school was out Yutaka was a shonen-like troublemaker…
but now she’s rocking a glamorous older girl’s body!
It’s a shock to everyone in the area — but it doesn’t change
Yutaka’s basic spunky, tomboyish ways.
summer vacation has brought more than hot weather.
Before school was out Yutaka was a shonen-like troublemaker…
but now she’s rocking a glamorous older girl’s body!
It’s a shock to everyone in the area — but it doesn’t change
Yutaka’s basic spunky, tomboyish ways.
Mucchi Muchi Inaka: screenshots
Welcome to the adult world of meetings with your wishes. Free download from MEGA or other file hostings right now, unpack, easy install in a couple of minutes and play this interactive game.
Try to be a good man and get what you want. And it will be you next second life, there will be a lot of familiar characters that you’re totally gonna like. What will you do? Will you be a good man? Will you user your power and authority? Try now!