Can they escape the noxious dark safely?
A holy knight, pixie sisters and creatures and plants transformed by the nox;
learn more about this place with each conversation.
09 May 2016 01 days bug fixes other
Fixed a display unauthorized biological picture book.
Aug 30, 2016 bug fixes added
It added two animation.
We also conduct various bug fixes.
Aug 24, 2016 bug fixes added
New monster girl was added the misfortune of the black cat’s].
We also conduct various bug fixes.
Aug 10, 2016 bug fixes added
Added animation one and the options screen size.
We also conduct various bug fixes.
08 May 2016 01 days bug fixes other
Fixed a bug in the stage movement and sound effects.
We changed some of the game over illustration display specification.
2016 Jul 31, bug fixes added other
New stage [ice cave] and added a biological picture book open mode.
It also conducts degree of difficulty adjustments and bug fixes.
2016 Jul 23, bug fixes added other
It added a new monster daughter [Yukiko].
It also conducts degree of difficulty adjustments and bug fixes.
2016 Jul 20, typographical errors corrected bug fixes other
We updated for requests received more than the user like.
Corresponding content is next to mainly difficulty adjustment, for biological picture book display deficiencies.◇ storyMystery of Kemomimi sister trapped in a cave by the barrier.
Two people whether it is possible to escape safely from the cave miasma is full?
Holy Knight came to the investigation of the miasma, flower fairy sisters to protect the cave, fucked plants and monster daughter to miasma.
Through conversation with each (or combat), continue to clarify the cause of the barrier and the miasma …!◇ ActionHero Neri bandits notorious.
Shooting by handgun, and exercise slashing, a variety of actions such as the avoidance step by knife.
Carefully while shooting advance also good, good also slashes exit at a stretch slashing.
Players can capture in the favorite style!◇ rich animationEach of the 46 species a total of monsters there is more than one type of attack motion.
If Mikire the calm attack, easily it can be defeated in a rich action.
On the other hand, they will receive will be a variety of sexual or violent attack and Yarare state If you have caught a monster.
In addition, for each monster [Ryona] [erotic] animation also one or more each!
Monsters come blame in three or more of Positions also let …! First carefully addressed.◇ Yarare stateUpon receiving the enemy’s attack in a state in which the clothes were torn Ryona or erotic to Yarare state!
Can be released in the barrage the attack button, but you will not be able to resistance and physical strength is lost.
In that case, the unfortunate Kemomimi daughter will be like unlimited … a monster who was estrus.
Possible release from Yarare state by continuing to press the attack button even in the absence of physical fitness.
However, it is impossible any longer stand up, you will immediately caught in another monster.◇ tool pictorial bookYou can view the items that were collected in the cave by selecting the tool picture book from the options.
The item is also intended to recover and status up!
Please try to explore, such as side streets and hidden passages if there is room.◇ biological picture bookYou can select the [biological picture book from the options.
Monster corresponding to the enemy is to obtain the specific item you want to drop will ride in picture book.
In the picture book can view the monster of explanation and a variety of animation.
Aim for all 46 species Complete!
※ for the action is weaker there is also unlock function of the biological picture book!◇ clear benefitsThe last boss after the defeat, from the options [loophole] will be available for selection.
[Loophole] is the command to move to a specific save point.
Also can be moved to the extra stage that enemy appears at random from the loophole] [Yurihora].
In [Yurihora] possible rematch with all of the enemy (including the boss)!
Missed helps to collect such items.※Notes※
– The enemy has a variety of races, such as insects and tentacles organisms, but about 60% is a monster girl.
[Hermaphrodite] not recommended for those who are weak [lesbian].
– It is the developer subjectivity, but there is no excessive Ryonashin. …I think.
Operation verification of the trial version please be sure is.
Sorry, we can not respond to the operation defect by your environment now.
– It is recommended membership registration at the time of purchase.
There is a fix or character such as adding updates scheduled for bug.
– Various inquiries are accepted than contact HP described.————————————————– ——————————
◇ update information
Options display unauthorized correspondence2016/09/01
And biological picture book display bug fixes, etc.2016/08/30
Add animation two.
Opening screen design changes, such as2016/08/24
· New character creature added.
Option of saving the timing change, etc.2016/08/10
Add animation one.
Options screen add size.
– Continuous restart error log etc. correspondence2016/08/01 [Emergency Update
Stage bug fixes of the moving position
– Specific sound effects during playback of the error log etc. correspondence2016/07/31 Add Update
And new stage [ice cave] Add
· New character two bodies added
Gallery open mode added
Cave guide plate installation, such as2016/07/23 Add Update
· Enemy character Yukiko added
Game in the manual plate installation
Error log bug fixes
– Degree of difficulty fine-tuning, such as2016/07/19 [Emergency Update
– Degree of difficulty adjustment (modified in three stages the degree of difficulty)
– Fewer deficiencies modification of picture book
– At the save point clothing level change functions such as adding
Added support for ※ hasten requests of many were projects.
Additional enemy character was the first update schedule is not included in this update.
Please note.For details, please check than the bulletin board of the text or the HP game body postscript.
対応内容は主に難易度調整、生物図鑑表示不備についてとなります。◇物語 なぞの結界により洞窟に閉じ込められたけもみみ姉妹。
それぞれとの会話(もしくは戦闘)を経て、結界と瘴気の原因を解明していく…!◇アクション 主人公ネリは名うての盗賊。
プレイヤーは好みのスタイルでの攻略が可能!◇豊富なアニメーション 総勢46種のモンスターにはそれぞれ一種類以上の攻撃モーションがあります。
三種以上の体位で責めてくるモンスターも…!まずは慎重に対処してみよう。◇ヤラレ状態 衣服が破れた状態で敵の攻撃を受けるとリョナまたはエロなヤラレ状態に!
しかし、もはや立ち上がることは出来ず、すぐに別のモンスターに捕まってしまいます。◇道具図鑑 オプションから[道具図鑑]を選択することで洞窟内で収集したアイテムを閲覧できます。
余裕があれば横道や隠し通路などを探索してみてください。◇生物図鑑 オプションから[生物図鑑]を選択できます。
※アクションが苦手な方のために生物図鑑のアンロック機能もあります!◇クリア特典 ラストボス撃破後は、オプションより[抜け道]が選択可能になります。
・生物図鑑表示バグ修正 など2016/08/30
・オープニング画面デザイン変更 など2016/08/24
・オプションの保存タイミング変更 など2016/08/10
・連続リスタートのエラーログ対応 など2016/08/01[緊急アップデート]
・特定効果音再生時のエラーログ対応 など2016/07/31[追加アップデート]
・洞窟案内板の設置 など2016/07/23[追加アップデート]
・難易度微調整 など2016/07/19[緊急アップデート]
・セーブポイントにて衣類レベル変更機能追加 など
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