the main character goes out with the heroine everything seemed smooth sailing. one day, they had an accident for some reason, it's in…
◆Things to do ◆ Time is modern.The story of a little nerdy you spend the days that end up in…
◆ Synopsis Development of a warp device was being advanced on an isolated island at the peak of the sea. However, the…
Childhood friends Shin and Michiru follow a mysterious rabbit one afternoon and end up in anotherworld as legendary heroes! There…
A young man lives on a ranch with his beautiful cowgirl Mirena, and one day a villager approached themand asked…
Yutaka is a tomboyish country girl who spends her days having fun all over town.She used to look like quite…
he was a natto jishi.Rare occupation equipped with the skill"knife"to give a variety of positive effects to the subject by…
Summer vacation, the place where I returned home is a country village of"only women"!?you're an erotica. you're an erotica. you're…
■対応言語:日本語、英語■Hアニメ戦闘中のセクハラ・逆セクハラはほぼアニメします。Hイベントもアニメします。ただしアニメしないHイベントもあります。■あらすじ ・主人公は正統な王族の姫様です。 入り婿の現国王(義父)の画策により地方にとばされ領王(領主)となりますが そこには過激で淫らな運命が待ち受けていました!■凌辱の種類 ・イベントが発生して主人公が凌辱される。 ・戦闘中に主人公が敵から凌
“Magesmiths” are wizards that specialize in labyrinth construction and restoration. Avaro, one of them, sought to one day run his…